Usui Reiki Level One
Please join the Growing Whole Reiki Institute for a one on one training to learn, transform, heal and and be certified in Usui Reiki Level One with Reiki Master and Teacher and profound Energetic Healing Facilitator Ashley Eden. Establish a personal practice of Energetic Hygiene, receive a Very Deep Energetic Healing on the Physical Body and become Certified in Usui Reiki Level One.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through all of us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
What is Reiki Level One?
Reiki Level One is the first initiation into the Reiki Lineage and is open to anyone looking to deepen their connection to self and their physical energetics. The focus during Level One is on opening the Reiki Energy Channels on a physical level, allowing you to connect to Reiki ( Universal Life Force) Energy, which flows from the cosmos down into your heart and out your hands. The Reiki Level One attunement works primarily on the physical energy bodies and will clear away any physical blockages within your energetic system. This course is a very deep healing and can move mountains for your personal healing journey.
What will Students Learn/ Gain from this course?
Students will learn
• the history of Reiki
• the Reiki principals
• a daily meditation practice to strengthen your Reiki
• the traditional hand positions
• table session hand positions
• ability to facilitate an entire Reiki session for yourself and someone else
What will they gain
• be initiated into a very strong Usui Reiki Lineage and receive a Certification in Usui Reiki Level One from Growing Whole
• be able to offer basic level Reiki Sessions to their community
• and most importantly be able to use Reiki on themselves for self healing, as well as offer Reiki to any issues they wish to transform in their life. Likewise offer Reiki to any dreams/ goals they would like to fulfill.
You will need to complete a full healing cycle of individual reiki session with Ashley before applying for this course. This will allow your body to prepare for the energetic attunements of the Reiki initiations. A full healing cycle is 7-10 reiki sessions done close together. Ashley will decided how many Reiki sessions your system needs in order to safely participate in the course.
These prerequisites are designed to ensure a safe container and provide a deep healing for any person participating in Reiki Level One.
How much does this course cost?
The cost of this course is $1500.00(taxes included)
When is the next Reiki Level One?
Reiki Level One is now only taught in a private one on one setting with Ashley. Please contact directly to schedule your private training.
"Reiki is love, love is wholeness, wholeness is well-being, well-being is freedom" - Dr. Mikau Usui Sensi